Friday, June 29, 2007

Gentle Leader

The long awaited day arrived! I am happy (and thankful) that Angie came over to give me tips and advice for meekia. She recommended to use "gentle leader" which i overheard as "gentle needle" initially. (haa haa...). which she'll bring over next week to try out for meekia.

Some information which i liked to share:

"Dogs have a natural instinct to pull against pressure and dogs waIked on choke or regular collars still pull, even though pressure on the throat causes pain and choking and even though their owners rnay yank, tug and shout to try and stop them.
The Gentle Leader does not choke your dog. It is scientifically designed to direct your dog’s entire body by controlling his head and nose. And wherever his nose goes, his body must surely follow!
The Gentle Leader dissuades your dog from pulling on the lead by transferring the pressure of his efforts to the back of his neck via the neckstrap, while the pressure of the noseloop communicates your natural leadership. Your dog’s instinctive resistance to these redirected pressures causes him to stop pulling to relieve the pressure at the back of the head and to relax and walk easily by your side."

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